
So-long upper Mississippi River, rafting past the last mile marker: 0.8 we’ve joined up with the large Ohio River. The confluence has tons of commercial traffic and industrial areas as this fork in the river connects 15 States. Discovering that the Ohio River accounts for 75% of the rivers’ water outflow, we assumed this would increase our […]

Sunsets, Birds, Arcus Cloud, Heat Wave and a ...

Steady as she goes, a strong Mississippi current pulled us through the southerly winds today averaging 4 miles per hour. Again we relied on our outboard to kick “homemade windsail” through another lake with a stiff breeze. All in all, its another brick in the wall. The 16 barrel makeshift raft has traveled 240 miles from […]

Day 10 – Where Raft Meets River

Rob couldn’t understand why he wasn’t hungry this morning, until he pulled a wing and tail from his mouth. After hatching late last night, mayflies have plagued our vessel!These insects, Mayflies or shadflies, have a very short adult lifespan living from a only few hours to a day. Some consider this good luck, others use them for bait, BarrelRaftBoys use […]

Who Needs Breakfast When You Have Mayflies?