Thanks For the Support

We want to say thanks to all of you who have been supportive of this trip since the beginning. Your encouragement helped get this trip going and we really could not have gotten this far without you 🙂


want to thank all those who doubted us from the start

because its going to be so much fun proving you wrong 🙂


There are a few who deserve a little extra bit of thanks. Those who have provided a crucial piece to the puzzle we’ll call the “Mississippi River Adventure”



for donating a K-9 Float Coat for Skully, so he can raft safely with us and look good doing it!

Milan Horak 

for letting us use his house and tools to assemble our raft, and enlightening us with his supreme wisdom:

“When in doubt, build it stout”

Joshua and Olivia Rutherford

for providing life support for us on our trip and for just being awesome people! If we sink, we know where your parents live!!

The Mothers

because we have to 🙂


Thank you to all the donations from our Mississippi Barrel Raft Adventure campaign! You shouldn’t have!!

We raised $1,969 from 37 contributors.