
Sunsets, Birds, Arcus Cloud, Heat Wave and a Baptism?

So-long upper Mississippi River, rafting past the last mile marker: 0.8 we've joined up with the large Ohio River. The confluence…

Lower Mississippi Beckons

Sleeping on a sand island just north of Cairo, IL the boys are saying goodbye to the Upper Mississippi today.…

Welcome to Cape Girardeau

Welcome to civilization again, if only for a short while. After barreling through "the stretch of nothing" we made it…

Barrel Raft Boys:1, Smacktalkers:0

Well, we've accomplished the "impossible" and passed through St. Louis today without missing a beat! There were a few out…

Following Huck Finn down to Alton

Hello again everyone, and thanks for tuning back for the latest installment of the Barrel Raft Boys journey! Its been…

Misty Missouri

Since we hit Missouri on Wednesday, a summer storm has been traveling with us night and day; trying to get…